Our Services

Please explore the menu of services we offer.

Tax Preparation & Planning Services

Individual Taxation
We help you keep your money. A core specialty is the preparation of federal and state tax returns for individual taxpayers.
Business Taxation
Whether your entity is a C corporation, S Corp, Professional Association, Limited Liability Company, Partnership or Sole Proprietor, we can provide strategies for minimizing your tax liability in addition to preparation of the returns.

Accounting Services

Accounting, Bookkeeping & Financial Statement Preparation
We provide a range of accounting services including bookkeeping, write up, and compilation services.

Other Services

Professional and Business Management Reviews
"What's the bottom line?"Most business don't really know. Our management reviews are designed to identify ways to increase revenues and operating efficiencies and reduce liabilities, losses, and diversion.
Fraud Examinations
"It won't happen to me."Famous last words. We are skilled at discovering the true inner workings of an organization.
Due Diligence
When entering into a acquisition or merger transaction we provide an objective examination of the assets and liabilities of the transaction.